Raw Image Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2022-44687)

CVE-2022-44687. raw image extension.

The Raw Image Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability, known as CVE-2022-44687 (Qualys ID: 91967), has emerged as a concerning issue, demanding immediate attention. In this comprehensive blog post, we’ll explore the intricacies of this vulnerability, the associated risks, and guide you through using a PowerShell script to efficiently remove vulnerable versions of the Raw Image Extension from all user profiles on your system.

 Understanding the Vulnerability

At the heart of the matter is CVE-2022-44687, a vulnerability that poses a significant threat due to its potential for remote code execution through the Raw Image Extension. Designed to enhance the viewing experience of raw image files, this extension becomes a potential vector for exploitation if left unaddressed. Remote code execution vulnerabilities are particularly concerning as they can allow attackers to execute arbitrary code on a target system, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data compromise, or the installation of malicious software.

To mitigate this risk, prompt action is necessary to identify and remove the affected versions of the Raw Image Extension from the system.

PowerShell Script for Removal of Raw Image Extension

To facilitate a swift and effective response, we present a PowerShell script that efficiently removes vulnerable versions of the Raw Image Extension. This adaptable script allows users to add or update versions in the $packages section to target specific versions.

———-Script Start———-

$packages = @(







foreach ($package in $packages) {

$appxname = Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object { $_.PackageFullName -eq $package } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty PackageFullName

if ($appxname) {

Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Package $appxname

Write-Output “$appxname removed successfully”

} else {

Write-Output “$package is not installed on this computer”



———-Script End———-

Here’s a breakdown of the script’s components:


$packages Array: 

This array contains specific versions of the Microsoft Raw Image Extension that you want to target for removal. Adjustments to this array can be made to include or exclude versions as needed.

foreach Loop: 

The script utilizes a foreach loop to iterate through each package specified in the $packages array.

Get-AppxPackage cmdlet:

Within the loop, the Get-AppxPackage cmdlet is used to retrieve information about installed Appx packages on the system for all users.


The Where-Object cmdlet filters the results to match the PackageFullName property with the current $package in the loop.


The Select-Object cmdlet is then used to extract the PackageFullName property for the matched package.

if-else Condition:

An if-else condition checks if the $appxname (PackageFullName) is not null, indicating that the specified version is installed.

Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet:

If the package is found, the Remove-AppxPackage cmdlet is used to uninstall the package for all users.


A message is then output to the console indicating whether the removal was successful or if the package was not found on the computer.


This script provides a systematic approach to removing specific versions of the Raw Image Extension across all user profiles, enhancing security by addressing the CVE-2022-44687 vulnerability. Ensure that you run this script with administrative privileges for effective execution.

Implementation Steps

Open PowerShell as Administrator:

Begin by right-clicking on the PowerShell icon and selecting “Run as Administrator” to ensure the script has the necessary permissions.

Copy and Paste the Script:

Copy the provided PowerShell script and paste it into the PowerShell console.

Execute the Script:

Press Enter to run the script. The script will iterate through the specified versions, checking for their presence on all user profiles, and removing them if detected.

Review Output:

Examine the output in the PowerShell console to ensure successful removals. Any versions not found will be reported accordingly.


By proactively addressing the Raw Image Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability using this PowerShell script, you contribute to securing your system against potential threats. Regularly checking for updates and adjusting the $packages section as needed is crucial for maintaining a robust defense against emerging vulnerabilities.


Remember, staying vigilant and promptly addressing security concerns helps create a safer computing environment for everyone. In the dynamic landscape of cybersecurity, a proactive and informed approach is key to mitigating risks and ensuring the continued security of your digital assets. Stay secure, stay informed.

3 thoughts on “Raw Image Extension Remote Code Execution Vulnerability (CVE-2022-44687)”

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